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Monday, April 2, 2018


03 May 2013


NSY Padayachee

Commentator: NH Gokul                                                      Moderator: J Reddy

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Department of Anaesthetics


Shivering is a frequent complication following anaesthesia, with an incidence of between 40 – 60% and 56,7% following general and neuraxial anaesthesia respectively. Post anaesthesia shivering (PAS) is associated with significant patient discomfort including increase in postoperative pain, sympathetic stimulation, metabolic oxygen demand, lactic acidosis and carbon dioxide production. As a result it imposes increased stress on the cardiopulmonary system, via increases in cardiac output and minute ventilation, which can be detrimental in patients with limited reserves.[1-4]

Many studies have investigated the mechanism behind PAS, its consequences, various preventative and treatment modalities including the science behind each of these entites yet although numerous theories and evidence based literature exist in animal and human studies there is no clear consensus with regard to the aetiology of PAS, its prevention and the mechanism and efficacy around its pharmacological treatment.

Although PAS may prove a conundrum, the value in its understanding and further investigation is pivotal to anaesthesiologists to reduce patient morbidity and mortality especially for those at higher risk of cardiac events.


Shivering is defined as an involuntary, spontaneous, oscillatory mechanical activity of skeletal muscle associated with increased oxygen consumption, this can be as much as 600% [5] 

Amoungst the various causes shivering can be divided into thermoregulatory and nonthermoregulatory in nature[6]. Thermoregulatory shivering occurs as a consequence of hypothermia, and inorder to maintain normothermia, vasoconstriction and shivering occurs.
Non thermoregulatory shivering is less well understood and may be associated with postop-pain, release of endogenous pyrogens, uninhibited spinal reflexes and adrenal suppression.[7]

Shivering is also seen in normothermic individuals following surgery and in pregnant patients undergoing labour and delievery.


Some studies have suggested that younger age, male sex, longer duration of surgery and anaesthesia and type of anaesthesia are associated with increased risk of PAS.


Crossley and Mahajan have graded the intensity of PAS using the following scale:
.        0 = no shivering;
1 = no visible muscle activity but piloerection, peripheral vasoconstriction, or both are present (other causes excluded);
2 = muscular activity in only one muscle group;
3 = moderate muscular activity in more than one muscle group but no generalized shaking;
4 = violent muscular activity that involves the whole body. [8]

A scale more specific to neuraxial anaesthesia would incorporate
         0 = no shivering
         1 = shivering not interfering with monitoring or causing patient distress
         2 = shivering interfering with monitoring or causing patient distress [9]


2 types of shivering patterns have been observed following general anaesthesia and also confirmed of EMG assessment :

The first is a synchronous ”waxing and waning” at a frequency of 4 -8 cycles.min-1 and is of a tonic nature associated with true thermoregulation shivering as seen in unanaesthetised volunteers exposed to cold enviroments
                       Figure 1 emg - tonic - pattern of shivering[6]

The second is a clonic pattern of shivering occurring 5-7hz associated with uninhibited spinal reflexes as seen in spinal cord transection, as seen in a study with 0.2-0.4 end-tidal isoflurane concentration[10]


Figure 2 emg - clonic - pattern of shivering[6]



There are 3 components that govern the physiology of shivering :
- Afferent neural pathway
- Central regulation
- Efferent response pathway[11]
The integration of information and modulation of thermal information amongst these components lend to an efficient system that maintains a narrow therapeutic range of core body temperature, being 36,5 – 37,5 0C, by utilising behavioural and autonomic responses to defend against fluctuations in core temperature hence ensuring optimal body function.

Afferent Neural Pathway
Thermoreceptors, which comprise of cold and warm sensory receptors are noted to be central as well as peripheral. Cold signals travel via delta fibres and warm signals travel via unmyelinated C fibres. These thermal signals get integrated at the level of the spinal cord which, being itself thermosensitive, senses and modulates the received input which eventually reaches the hypothalamus via the lateral spinothalamic tracts. Of importance is the nucleus raphe magnus (inhibits shivering) and the locus subcoerulus (excites shivering), located in the medulla and pons respectively, which relays thermal information from the skin to the hypothalamus. Spinal cord temperature is also known to influence effector responses. Of note, the hypothalamus itself, other parts of the brain, spinal cord, deep thoracic and abdominal tissues and skin, each constitute 20% of thermal afferent input to the central regulatory system. According to recent studies, the skin and dorsal root ganglia have been found to have special thermoreceptors viz. Transient Receptor Potential (TRP) vanilloid (V) and menthol (M) receptors. They are highly thermosensitive receptors with  TRPV1-4  being actiavted by heat whilst cold activates TRPM8  and TRPA1 .[12-15]

Central Regulation
The preoptic region of the anterior hypothalamus is the most important central regulator of temperature although the spinal cord and brainstem also subserve this function.
Warm neurons in this region of the hypothalamus compare thresholds (triggering core temperatures) with local thermal and non thermal information arriving via the afferent pathway. They sense and integrate information. Autonomic responses which are controlled by the anterior hypothalamus are primarily determined by information received from central structures, whist behavioural responses and the effector mechanism which are controlled by the posterior hypothalamus are mostly determined by information from the skin surface.[16]

The current consensus is that thermal inputs are received from a variety of structures, the effector responses are not concurrent and occurs at different temperatures, and there exists an interthreshold temperature (range of core temperature at which no response is elicited )[16] Inhibitory potentials are thought to govern the thresholds in the hypothalamus which are modulated by noradrenalin, dopamine, serotonin, acetylcholine, prostaglandin E1 and neuropeptides. Threshold temperatures are altered with circadian rythm and mentruation (0.5-10 C; 0.50 C respectively) together with nutritional status, exercise, infection and drugs (sedatives, alcohol and nicotine ) The interthreshold range which is bounded by sweating in the upper end and vasoconstriction in its lower end, is between 0.2 – 0.40C. Sweating and vasoconstriction thresholds are higher in women than men by 0.3 – 0.50C.
The shivering threshold is poorly regulated in the elderly.[16]


                            Figure 3 neural pathways involved in shivering[6]

Efferent Response Pathway
Efferent responses are based on thermal disturbances that trigger responses that either increase heat loss or promote heat gain. Each response is governed by a specific threshold. Heat balance is maintained by behavioural modification, which in a conscious individual is more important than autonomic control. Vasomotor control constitutes vasoconstriction and piloerection in response to cold in an attempt to increase heat gain whilst vasodilatation and sweating increase heat loss in response to increased warmth.[17]

Non shivering thermogenesis is essentially a form of increasing metabolic heat production without an increase in mechanical work. It occurs in brown fat and primarily a means of heat gain in infants.[16]

Shivering is regarded as a final means to increase metabolic heat production when behavioral modification and vasoconstriction together with peripheral arterio-venous shunting of blood in an attempt to increase core body temperature is inadequate.[17] The shivering threshold is an entire 10 C less than the vasoconstriction threshold. Shivering is not well developed in newborn infants.[16]

Figure 4 hypothalamic thermoregulation[18]


Table 1
Figure 5 hypothalamic responses to temperature inputs[18]


When the preoptic region of the anterior hypothalamus is cooled this stimulates the motor centre of shivering which is located in the posterior hypothalamus.
As a result the descending shivering pathway is activated and through temperature induced neuronal activation of the mesenchephalic, dorsolateral pontine and medullary recticular formation there is an increase of spinal muscle tone manifested as shivering. Stimulation of the alpha motor neurons is the final common pathway and synchronous discharge is brought about by inhibition of renshaw cells (inhibitory interneurons) [11]


Post anaesthesia shivering, apart from patient discomfort also has several deletrious effects including difficulty with monitoring techniques (ecg, bp, sp02),
increased oxygen consumption and metabolic demand, increased introcular and intracranial pressure, metabolic acidosis and increased carbon dioxide production,
increased post-operative pain from surgical incision stretching, increase in cardiac output, minute ventilation and systemic vascular resistence as well as raised plasma catecholemine levels which may be linked to morbid cardiac events in high risk patients.[6]

Post anaesthesia shivering is predominantly thermoregulatory in nature as a result of the anaesthetic induced inhibition of thermal defense mechanisms and subsequent hypothermia.

Hypothermia, according to the strict physiological definition, is a core temperature greater than one standard deviation below mean core temperature for that mammal under resting conditions in a thermoneutral environment, for practical purposes however mild hypothermia is defined as a core body temperature of between 33.0 – 36.40C, at which cellular and tissue dysfucntion may develop.
There is no consensus at which level mild hypothermia progresses to moderate hypothermia.[17]

During periods of cerebral or cardiac ischaemia, it is thought that hypothermia maybe protective on the basis on decreased metabolic demand, however hypothermia, just like many other entites in anaesthesia, has a risk benefit ratio to consider.

Mild hypothermia itself, is associated with numerous adverse side effects which the shivering patient maybe at risk of, including, impaired immunity and surgical site infection, delayed wound healing, coagulopathy, increase in allogenic blood transfusions, delayed post anaesthetic recovery, prolonged hospitalistion, patient discomfort, and morbid myocardial outcomes secondary to sympathetic nervous system stimulation and increased plasma catecholemines[16]

It is thus imperative that temperature monitoring be done in patients undergoing general anaesthesia longer than 30min and major operations under neuraxial anaesthesia.[16]


Ineffective thermoregulation during anaesthesia, more so than environmental cold exposure (lower ambient temperatures, cold intravenous fluids, evaporation from surgical sites) is responsible for temperature changes in surgical patients.[16]

Anaesthesia results in impairment in thermoregulatory defence mechanisms resulting in core to periphery heat redistribution which is the primary cause of hypothermia with a decrease of 1-20 C of core body temperature during the first hour of general anaesthesia [19] (Phase 1)

Heat loss to the environment is responsible for the more gradual decline in body temperature over the next 3-4hrs (phase 2) [19]

Eventually an equilibrium is reached such that heat loss equals heat production (phase 3) [18]
General anaesthesia inhibits central thermoregulation by interfering with hypothalamic function as well as causing dose dependent reduction in thermoregulatory thresholds as seen with volatiles. [19] The interthreshold range is increased by a tenfold factor from 0.2 – 0.40 C, in unanaesthetised individuals to, 2-40 C, under anaesthesia, thus limiting thermal defence responsiveness.[6,16,17]

Similar mechanisms surround neuraxial anaesthesia with the initial decrease in core body temperature being due internal heat redistribution due to vasodilatation
(Phase 1). Failure of vasoconstriction below the level of the blockade promotes ongoing heat loss (phase 2) and the decrease in the shivering threshold is attributed to the altered perception of temperature in the blocked dermatomes by the hypothalamus, which senses the elevation in skin temperature.[19]

This also results in a lack of perception of cold in patients who routinely don’t have intraoperative temperature monitoring when under neuraxial blockade. This further increases the risk of hypothermia which generally goes undetected in this subgroup of patients until shivering eventually manifests.

Figure 6 hypothermia following general anaesthesia [20]




Body temperature is heterogeneous, with deeper structures being 2-40 C warmer than peripheral structures. Skin temperature varies according to environmental exposure, temperature of peripheral tissues (arms and legs), exposure history and core temperature. Core temperature is the best measure of the thermal status in humans which can be monitored via the tympanic membrane, pulmonary artery, nasopharynx, distal oesophagus. Core temperature monitoring is used to assess and monitor for intraoperative hypothermia, hyperthermia and the
pharmocogenetic entity of malignant hyperthermia.[16]

Inconvenience or unavailability of core temperature sites allow “near core “sites to be used (mouth, axillae, bladder, rectum, skin surface). Each site and modality of monitoring has its own limitations, the combination of which should not exceed 0.50C level of inaccuracy as this could be associated with hypothermia induced complications[16]

Infrared sensors have emerged as the most popular form of thermometers as they are accurate and inexpensive.[16] Tympanic probes being soft and pliable, pose little risk of tympanic membrane perforation but cerumen insulation and incorrect positioning are disadvantages of using such a modality.[16,19]
Oesophageal probes incorporated into oesophageal stethoscopes are safe economical and accurate when positioned into the distal oesophagus.[19]

Nasopharyngeal probes are best placed a few centimetres distal to the nares adjacent to the nasopharyngeal mucosa but they carry the obvious risk of epistaxis with traumatic insertion.[16,19] Oral, axillary, bladder and rectal temperature can measure core temperature with fair accuracy in the absence of extreme temperature disturbances.[16]


The mechanisms behind impairment of thermoregulation following general and neuraxial anaesthesia is noted to be similar, however general anaesthesia is associated with central inhibition of thermal defences and a greater degree of suppression of threshold responses as manifested by shivering in the postoperative period when general anaesthesia dissipates and threshold responses return to baseline. This commonly results in thermoregulatory shivering in response to hypothermia.

In contrast to this, neuraxial anaesthesia does not cause central inhibition and results in a lesser suppression of threshold responses hence vasoconstriction and shivering can still occur above the level of the neuraxial block, though such thermal defences are inadequate in generating metabolic heat as the muscle mass cephalad to the block is small.[9]

This is supported by emg studies of volunteers undergoing general anaesthesia without surgery revealing the 2 patterns of shivering as mentioned earlier indicating both shivering related to hypothermia(tonic) and shivering related to uninhibited spinal reflexes (clonic), whilst non-pregnant volunteers undergoing epidural blocks revealed only the tonic pattern of shivering.[6]


There is evidence revealing a greater intensity of shivering following epidural vs spinal anaesthesia. Spinal anaesthesia results in a greater widespread vasodilatation and increased core to peripheral heat redistribution with greater depression of shivering threshold compared to epidural anaesthesia.

Shivering threshold in spinal anaesthesia is directly related to the number of dermatomes blocked. Spinal anaesthesia is associated with complete motor blockade whilst epidural anaesthesia spares the sacral nerve roots, so for the same block height there is reduced thermal afferent input in patients undergoing epidural vs spinal anaesthesia so the shivering threshold is reduced to a lesser extent.  This is supported by Saito et al [21] who revealed higher shivering thresholds in epidural versus spinal anaesthesia in pregnant parturients undergoing caesarean sections whilst Ozaki et al[22] failed to show a difference in shivering thresholds amongst male volunteers undergoing epidural vs spinal anaesthesia.
It is postulated that the epidural and intrathecal space differ in terms of thermoreceptors and their respective sensitivity. [9]


Despite the lack of extensive control studies on this subset of population, it is found that there is an increase in temperature in patients undergoing labour and those that have epidural anaesthesia. Several reasons for the hyperthermia have been postulated including infection, placental inflammation, increase in metabolic heat production secondary to muscular effort and the presence of the fetus. Shivering during labour occurs with or without neuraxial anaesthesia. Patients with epidural anaesthesia are more likely to shiver if they shivered prior to epidural anaesthesia and also received N20. Immunological reasons have been postulated for peripartum shivering. The shivering threshold however is noted to be higher in females than males. [9,16]


Numerous studies have shown a correlation between the temperatures of the local anaesthetic injected into the epidural space and the outcome on shivering.[9]
Epidural injections with cold local anaesthetic are associated with significantly greater incidence and intensity of shivering whilst other studies remain controversial and postulate other reasons.[9]
A study by Mirzaei et al 2012 revealed a decreased incidence and intensity of shivering in patients who received warm bupivacaine for spinal anaesthesia undergoing caesarean section, 8.3% shivered in the warm group whilst 39.1% shivered in the cold group.[23]
Chung et al 2012, revealed a decrease in shivering in patients that received warm intravenous fluids compared to controls.[24]

Figure 8 frequency of shivering intensity in warm and cold bupivacaine groups [23]





Most authors impress upon the importance of prevention as opposed to treatment of post anaesthesia shivering as the majority of cases are associated with hypothermia. Simple physical measures have been described including increasing the ambient temperature of the operative room, preventing convective heat loss by insulation with surgical drapes, space blankets, warm cotton blankets, ensuring warm skin disinfectant is used prior to draping, and the use of warm intravenous fluids and warm local anaesthetics for neuriaxial blockade.[9,11,17]
Forced air-warming devices have been associated with a significant decrease in post anaesthesia shivering if applied for 15minutes prior to induction of anaesthesia.[24]

The efficacy is based on increasing the skin temperature without appreciably increasing core body temperature; this decreases the temperature gradient between the central and peripheral compartments and subsequently decreases internal heat redistribution on induction. Such patients exhibit higher skin temperatures, lower decreases in core temperatures and a lower incidence of shivering compared to unwarmed controls.[9]


Many drugs of various classes have been documented in the prevention and treatment of post anaesthesia shivering, with different mechanisms of action, varying doses, efficacy and side effect profiles. Hence the choice of pharmacological agent for the treatment of post anaesthesia shivering should be based on patient profile, drug characteristics as well as route of administration.[11]

Pethidine is the most widely studied drug in the treatment of post anaesthesia shivering. 25mg of pethidine has been found to be an effective antishivering agent when administered intravenously. Its noted to cause inhibition of 5HT and noradrenalin reuptake. This effect is not inhibited by naloxone and thus is not opioid receptor mediated according to one author[25] whilst another[26] states that the use of high dose naloxone in the presence of pethidine, fails to reduce shivering. Pethidine decreases the shivering threshold twice as much as the vasoconstriction threshold. Its antishivering action however according to studies suggest that it’s a combination of stimulating alpha 2 adrenoreceptors, k opioid receptors, NMDA antagonism and monoamine reuptake inhibition.[6]

Tramadol inhibits the reuptake of 5HT, dopamine and noradrenaline and stimulates 5HT release. It’s an opioid analgesic whose action is mediated through the mu receptor. One study suggests that a dose of 2mg/kg at the time of surgical wound closure provides sufficient analgesia and antishivering effects without increasing adverse side effect potential (Mohta M et al 2009)[27], whilst another study suggests that 0.25mg/kg in combination with 0.25mg/kg of ketamine is superior to tramadol 0.5mg/kg alone in the prevention of shivering[28]

Pure mu receptor agonists morphine(2.5mg), fentanyl(25ug) and alfentanil(250ug) are shown to be significantly superior to placebo in treatment of post anaesthesia shivering, with alfentanil showing a linear relationship between increasing plasma levels and a linear reduction in the shivering threshold. A study by Sadegh et al 2012, revealed that 25ug of intrathecal fentanyl with hyperbaric bupivacaine compared to control in patients undergoing elective caesarean section under spinal anaesthesia significantly decreases the incidence and severity of post anaesthesia shivering.[29]

Nefopam is a centrally acting non-opioid analgesic with powerful antishivering properties via inhibition of 5HT, noradrenaline and dopamine reuptake. Clonidine an alpha 2 agonist at a dose of 150ug proved to decrease the incidence of shivering compared to placebo in at least 3 trials.[30] Doxapram, a respiratory stimulant, is shown to be effective in the treatment of post anaesthesia shivering with doses of 100mg noting to be effective in studies.Magnesium and ketamine through NMDA receptor antagonism have been implicated in stopping shivering. Studies* in rats have shown that the preoptic anterior hypothalamus is stimulated via NMDA.
Magnesium is also noted to decrease the shivering threshold via it being a natural calcium antagonist. Calcium influx into the posterior hypothalamus on cold exposure stimulating shivering has been implicated in rat studies. Physostigmine, a cholinesterase inhibitor, also is successful in the prevention of post anaesthesia shivering indicating that cholinergic pathways are involved in thermoregulation.

Ketanserin and ondansetron, serotonin antagonists, have proved to be effective against post anaesthesia shivering.[6]


*reference available on request




Patients presenting for surgery and anaesthesia are invariably at risk of inadvertent hypothermia and post anaesthesia shivering due to inhibition of thermoregulatory defence mechanisms and ongoing heat loss to the environment.
Core temperature monitoring together with passive and active measures to maintain normothermia are effective combative strategies in minimising the risk of these undesirable clinical consequences. Though much research has been dedicated to the pharmacology of post anaesthesia shivering, its complexity, various mechanisms and lack of extensive conclusive evidence renders it an area that requires further research and investigation. Prevention through simple physical or non pharmacological methods should form the mainstay of our intervention with drug treatment being based on clinical emergence of shivering. Our choice of “antishivering agent” must consider our patients clinical status, drug profile also taking into account dosing with respective side effects and our own personal experience with each agent.


Review of the weight of evidence in articles used for the production of the booklet


1 a
Systematic reviews & meta- analysis
1 b
Randomised controlled double blinded trials
Cohort studies
Case control studies

Case series

Case report





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2.    Panzer O, Ghazanfari N, Sessler DI, et al. Shivering and shivering-like tremor during labour with and without epidural analgesia, Anesthesiology 1999 ; 90 : 1609 – 16

3.    Chan AM, NG KF, Tong EW, Jan GS. Control of shivering under regional anaesthesia in obstetric patients with tramadol, Can J Anaesth 1999 ; 46 (3) : 253 -8

4.    Sessler DI, Ponte J. Shivering during epidural anesthesia, Anesthesiology 1999 ; 72 (5) : 816 -21

5.    Honarmand A. And Safavi MR, Comparison of prophylactic use of midazolam, ketamine and ketamine plus midazolam for prevention of shivering during regional anaesthesia, British Journal of Anaesthesia 2008 ; 101 (4) : 557-62

6.    Witte J, Sessler DI. Perioperative shivering. Anesthesiology. 2002;96(2):467-484.

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     Tokyo: Churchill Livingstone, 1994:1363–82.

8. Crossley AW, Mahajan RP. The intensity of postoperative shivering is          unrelated to axillary temperature. Anaesthesia 1994;49: 205-207

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11. Bhattacharya et al. Post Anaesthesia Shivering (PAS) : A Review
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21.   Saito T, Sessler D.I et al. Thermoregulatory effects of spinal and epidural
        anaesthesia during caesarean delivery. Reg Anesth Pain Med 1998;
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22.   Ozaki M, Kurz A, Sessler D.I et al. Thermoregulatory thresholds during
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23. Mirzaie et al. The effects of warm and cold intrathecal bupivacaine on
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       Anesthesiology 1993; 79 : 1193 – 201
27. Mohta M, Kumari N, Tyagi A et al. Tramadol for the prevention of post
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28. RS. Abdelrahman. Prevention of shivering during regional anaesthesia:
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29. Sadegh et al. Intrathecal fentanyl for the prevention of shivering in spinal
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30. Kranke et al. Pharmacological Treatment of Postoperative Shivering:
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