Snap Your Fingers ! Slap Your face ! & Wake Up !!!

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.ATS GUIDELINES OF TB DEFAULT AND RELAPSE (1) 1.WHY FASCIAL PUFFINESS OCCURS FIRST IN RENAL EDEMA (1) Acute (2) ACUTE EXACERBATION OF COPD CRITERIA (2) ACUTE EXACERBATION OF ILD CRITERIA (1) ACUTE EXACERBATION OF IPF criteria (1) AE COPD (1) Air crescent sign and Monod sign (1) Alveolar arterial oxygen gradient (1) Aminophylline in asthma (1) Amphoric breathing (1) Anuria and oliguria definition (1) apical cap (1) Apical impulse (1) Assessment of respiratory muscle strength (1) Asthma PEF variablity (1) Att in hepatotoxicity (1) ATT weight band recent (1) Austin flint murmur and Graham steel murmur (1) BEQ (1) BMI (1) Borg dyspnoea score (1) breathlessness-sherwood jones (1) Bronchiectasis- Definition (1) BRONCHOPULMONARY SEGMENTS (1) Cardinal symptoms: aggravating and relieving facto (1) Causes of chest pain aggrevated by cough (1) Causes of localised bulging of chest wall (1) Causes of orthopnea (1) Causes of palpitation (1) Causes of Unilateral pedal edema (1) Cavity (1) check post (1) Chest physiotherapy (1) Chronic (2) Classification (1) Clubbing (1) clubbing -mechanism of (1) Clubbing Unilateral (1) CLUBBING-PATHOGENESIS PDGF (1) cobb's angle-In Kyphoscoliosis Cobb's angle above which can be operated (1) Cobbs angle (1) Complications of Tuberculosis (1) Cor pulmonale (1) Cough reflex (2) Cough- aggravating factors (1) Cultures- significant colony count (1) Cyst/Bulla/Bleb (1) Cystic Fibrosis- Female infertility (1) DD of Orthopnoea (1) definition (1) DNB question bank (1) Drugs causing breathlessness (1) dysphagia - approach (1) Dyspnea - Causes of acute dyspnea (1) ECG FEATURES OF DEXTROCARDIA (1) Emphysema (1) Emphysema and chronic bronchitis definition (1) Empyema necessitans (1) Exacerbation of ILD (1) Factitious asthma (1) Fever of unknown origin (1) fibrinolytics in plef (1) FORMOTEROL (1) Gastro Intestinal Tract and abdominal symptoms (1) Gram negative cocci & gram positive bacilli (1) HAM (1) Hemothorax (1) Honeycombing in HRCT (1) Hydropneumothorax- sound of Coin test (1) Hyperventilation syndrome (1) IDSA sinusitis management (1) ILD CLASSIFICATION (1) ILO classification for pneumoconiotic opacities (1) Impalpable apical impulse (2) Indications for steroids in Sarcoidosis (2) Krogg constant (1) Lung areas sensitive to pain (1) lung cancer- age group (1) Lung cancers-ALK inhibitors (1) MARKERS OF ILD (1) Massive hemoptysis (1) Massive hemoptysis criteria (1) Mines in Tamil Nadu (1) Muscles of respiration (2) Name reason for Potts spine (1) Nephrotic syndrome (1) NORMAL BREATH SOUNDS - mechanism (1) NORMAL THYMUS IN CT (1) NYHA (1) Orthopnea (1) Orthostatic hypotension (1) Pain- CRPS (1) Paracetamol -MOA (1) Pathophysiology of breath sounds (1) Penetration and exposure in Chest Xray (1) Perception of Dyspnoea (1) Pleuroscopy guidelines (1) PND causes (1) Pneumatocele (1) pneumonia phases of (1) Positional variation in chest pain (1) Puddle sign (1) Pulmonary embolism (1) Pulsations in different areas- causes (1) Pulsus paradoxus (1) Pulsus paradoxus - Measuremen (2) RADS-Definition and Criteria (1) Respiratory system clinical examination (1) S3 (1) S4 HEART SOUNDS (1) Serum cortisol (1) Sherwood jones classification (1) Shivering (1) Silhouette sign (1) Six minute walk test (1) Skodaic resonance (1) Sleep study and polysomnography (1) Spinoscapular distance (1) Split pleura sign (1) Subacute (2) Subpulmonic effusion (1) Swellin (1) Terminal respiratory unit (1) Test (1) Tidal percussion (1) Tongue in HIV (1) Upper respiratory tract (1) Velcro crackles (1) Vesicular breath sounds - Physiology (1) weight loss (1)

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Monday, January 18, 2010




    1. Pulmonary Hypertrophic osteoarthropathy
    2. Approach to a patient with chronic cough and normal CXR
    3. Hemoptysis management
    4. Massive hemoptysis – management
    5. DD of chest pain
    6. Intractable hemoptysis in different age groups with normal CXR
    7. Pathogenesis of hemoptysis
    8. Seasonal variations of lung diseases
    9. Causes of pulsus paradoxus
    10. Assessment of nutritional status
    11. Predisposing factors for pulmonary aspiration
    12. Evaluation of 50-yr-old male with SOB on exertion
    13. Causes of chest pain an a diabetic


    1. Relative risk, odds ratio
    2. Primary prevention
    3. Cumulative incidence
    4. Population attributable risk
    5. Audiovisuals in health education about respiratory system
    6. Define sensitivity, specificity, predictive value of a diagnostic test
    7. Attack rate
    8. Impact of population growth on smoking related lung disorders


    1. DD of bihilar lymphadenopathy
    2. Risks of diagnostic bronchoscopy
    3. Bronchoalveolar lavage
    4. Sputum induction techniques
    5. Recent radiographic advances in chest disease assessment
    6. Role of mini peak flow meters in asthma
    7. DD of unilateral hypolucency of lung
    8. Virtual bronchoscopy
    9. Maximum inspiratory and expiratory pressures – clinical application
    10. Cardiopulmonary exercise testing
    11. Flow-volume loop
    12. Ultrasound in lung diseases
    13. Serum ACE
    14. Digital subtraction angiography
    15. Bronchial provocation test
    16. Pulse oximetry
    17. DD of radio opaque hemithorax
    18. CT and MRI in diagnosis of mediastinal tumors
    19. PCR
    20. Luciferase
    21. ANCA
    22. Test for small airway disease
    23. Virtual bronchoscopy
    24. Medical thoracoscopy
    25. Diagnostic approach to a non-resolving consolidation RLL
    26. Bronchial artery embolisation
    27. Endo bronchial ultrasonography (EBUS)
    28. Capnometry – definition and clinical utility


    1. Surfactant – role in physiology, clinical utility
    2. Pulmonary sequestration
    3. IgE - role in pulmonary disorders
    4. Blood supply of lung.
    5. Lymphatic drainage of lung
    6. Mediastinal compartments – tumors in each compartment
    7. Ventilatory response in hypoxia
    8. Fate of an inhaled particle in lung
    9. Compensation of respiratory acidosis
    10. Anatomy of respiratory bronchiole
    11. Developmental lung abnormalities
    12. Alveolar macrophage
    13. Diffusion coefficient
    14. Mucociliary clearance
    15. Non ventilatory function of lungs
    16. Pulmonary defense mechanisms
    17. Eosinophil
    18. Abnormalities of gas exchange, methods of evaluation
    19. Lipo oxygenase pathway
    20. Structure of interstitium
    21. Erythropoietin
    22. Compensation in metabolic acid-base disorders
    23. Respiratory acidosis
    24. Lactic acidosis
    25. Anion gap in acid-base disorders
    26. Oxidant-antioxidant role in respiratory disease
    27. Structure of cilia
    28. Wide A-a gradient
    29. Metabolic functions of lung
    30. Ultra structure of acinus
    31. Pressure-volume relationship of the lung
    32. Metabolic alkalosis
    33. Oxygen transport
    34. Pulmonary gas exchange
    35. Congenital abnormalities of diaphragm
    36. Arachidonic acid pathway
    37. Respiratory center
    38. Alpha-1 antitrypsin
    39. Nerve supply of lung
    40. J receptors
    41. Inspiratory capacity
    42. Flow volume loops in diagnosis of upper airway obstruction and airway disease.
    43. Factors affecting oxygen dissociation curve
    44. Discuss anatomy of mediastinal lymph nodes
    45. Control of breathing


    1. Fat embolism
    2. Hepatopulmonary syndromes
    3. Prophylaxis of venous thromboembolism
    4. Ventilation-perfusion defects in massive pulmonary infarction
    5. Arteriovenous shunts in lungs and effect on acid-base balance
    6. Goodpasture’s syndrome
    7. Prevalence of pulmonary thromboembolism
    8. Pulmonary vasculitis
    9. Heparin in PTE
    10. Wegener’s granulomatosis
    11. Etiopathogenesis and management of Pulmonary hypertension
    12. Advances in pharmacotherapy of pulmonary arterial hypertension
    13. Treatment of pulmonary infarction


    1. Alveolar hemorrhage syndromes
    2. Neurogenic pulmonary edema
    3. Diagnosis of intrapulmonary hemorrhage


    1. Pharmacokinetics, drug interactions of theophylline
    2. Tiotropium
    3. Mechanism of action of theophylline
    4. Drugs causing bronchospasm
    5. Leukotriene receptor antagonists, antileukotrienes in asthma
    6. Gene therapy
    7. Effect of ATT on blood sugars
    8. Steven-Johnson’s syndrome
    9. Cyclosporin A
    10. Beta lactamase inhibitors
    11. Pharmacokinetics, metabolism of Rifampicin, INH, PZA. Describe postulated theory of toxic hepatitis
    12. Antibiotic MIC
    13. Neurological side effects of ATT
    14. Stem cell concepts
    15. Newer macrolides
    16. New ATT
    17. Inhaled steroids
    18. Antihistamines
    19. Clofazamine
    20. LASER in lung diseases
    21. Radio sensitizers
    22. Salbutamol
    23. Drug interactions of rifampicin
    24. Heliox
    25. Bronchial artery embolisation


    1. Risk factors for COPD
    2. Pulmonary rehabilitation in patients with COPD
    3. COPD and nutrition
    4. Prevention of COPD and complications
    5. Steroids in COPD
    6. Hypoxia during sleep in COPD
    7. Acute on chronic respiratory failure in COPD
    8. Epidemiology of COPD
    9. Management of acute hypercapneic failure in a patient of COPD
    10. Assessment and monitoring of severity of COPD
    11. Asthma education
    12. Topical steroids in asthma
    13. Non-pharmacological interventions in asthma management
    14. Drug-induced asthma
    15. Drug-induced asthma
    16. Epidemiology of asthma
    17. Pathogenesis, lab diagnosis of bronchial hypersensitivity
    18. Primary prevention of asthma/allergy
    19. Genetic link in asthma
    20. Steroid resistant asthma
    21. Acute severe asthma
    22. New drugs in asthma
    23. Post mortem histology in acute severe asthma
    24. Management of episodic asthma
    25. Indicators of severe airflow obstruction in asthma
    26. Asthma mortality
    27. Relationship/associations between tobacco smoking and asthma
    28. Nocturnal asthma
    29. Nicotine replacement therapy
    30. Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency
    31. Smoking cessation clinics
    32. Smoking, cadmium and emphysema
    33. Gene therapy of cystic fibrosis
    34. Mechanism of airflow obstruction in emphysema
    35. Aerosol therapy – mechanism
    36. Dyskinetic cilia syndrome
    37. Nicotine addiction – remedial measures
    38. Pathology of emphysema
    39. Pathology of bronchiectasis
    40. DNAse in cystic fibrosis
    41. Elastase-antielastase in emphysema
    42. Genetic basis of CF
    43. Macleod’s syndrome
    44. Ventilatory parameters in small airways dysfunction
    45. Flail chest
    46. Predisposing factors for bronchiectasis
    47. Susceptible smokers and the Dutch hypothesis
    48. Middle lobe syndrome
    49. Reactive airway dysfunction syndrome
    50. Bullous lung disease
    51. Enumerate different approaches for smoking cessation. Pharmacological management strategies


    1. Pulmonary manifestations of SLE
    2. Lung in rheumatoid arthritis
    3. Respiratory system and diabetes
    4. Thyroid disorders and respiratory system
    5. Pleuropulmonary complications in acute pancreatitis
    6. Pulmonary changes in CCF
    7. Prevention of Postoperative pulmonary complications
    8. Causes of cor pulmonale
    9. Lung and inborn errors of metabolism
    10. SIADH
    11. Diseases affecting kidneys and lungs
    12. Pulmonary complications of malaria
    13. Marfan’s syndrome
    14. Idiopathic kyphoscoliosis
    15. Pulmonary complications of obesity
    16. Myxedema coma
    17. Lung in neurocutaneous syndromes
    18. Diastolic heart failure
    19. Pathogenesis and clinical features of rheumatoid lung
    20. Uremic lung


    1. Pneumococcal vaccination
    2. Invasive aspergillosis of lungs
    3. TB in immunocompromised host
    4. Advances in immunological and microbiological methods in diagnosis of TB
    5. Chemoprophylaxis in TB
    6. Pool of TB infection in community
    7. Respiratory infections / disorders in AIDS
    8. Candidemia
    9. Effect of MDR-TB on RNTCP
    10. Role of persisters in TB
    11. Risk factors in hospital-acquired infections
    12. Pneumonia in elderly
    13. Plan sample survey for TB
    14. Western Blot in HIV
    15. Mucormycosis of lungs
    16. Mechanisms of drug resistance in TB
    17. Bacterial adhesions/adherence
    18. Poncet’s disease
    19. Tuberculoma – diagnosis and clinical features
    20. Impact of HAART in HIV/TB
    21. Management of Addisonian crisis in TB
    22. Radiological presentation of hydatid of lung
    23. Anaerobic pleuropulmoanry infections of lungs
    24. Vaccines to prevent respiratory diseases/Vaccinations against pulm infections
    25. Ranke’s complex
    26. Treatment and diagnosis of lung abscess
    27. Histoplasmosis
    28. Legionellosis
    29. Steroids in TB
    30. Pathogenesis/pathology of TB in AIDS
    31. Voluntary testing and counseling centers
    32. Sentinel surveillance in HIV
    33. Public and private mix in TB
    34. DOTS issues
    35. Newer diagnostic techniques in TB
    36. Pulmonary Nocardiosis
    37. Antibacterial rotation and VAP
    38. Medical treatment of lung hydatid
    39. AIDS vaccine
    40. Transmission of TB and prevention
    41. Molecular biology and diagnosis of TB
    42. Secondary Chemoprophylaxis of TB
    43. PCR in TB
    44. Humidifier fever
    45. Hantavirus infection
    46. Constraints of DOTS
    47. MDR TB
    48. Serologic diagnosis of TB
    49. Penicillin resistant Pneumococci
    50. Rapid diagnosis of Rifampicin resistance
    51. Natural history of HIV
    52. VAP – diagnosis
    53. Window period of HIV
    54. HAP, nosocomial pneumonia
    55. Antifungal agents in ABPA
    56. Causes of immunosupression and respiratory infections in ICH and prevention
    57. Chronic granulomatous disease
    58. Role and limitations of penicillins in CAP
    59. ABPA
    60. Bacterial adherence
    61. Uses of BCG other than in TB prevention
    62. Nonspecific tuberculin sensitivity
    63. Pathogenesis of Staphylococcal pneumonia
    64. Pleuropulmonary amebiasis
    65. Prevention of influenza
    66. Cryptococcal infection of lung
    67. Culture methods in TB
    68. Lab diagnosis of respiratory viral infections
    69. Life cycle of Echinococcus
    70. MOTT
    71. Lung in helminthic diseases
    72. PCP
    73. Principles of antibiotic use and selection of empiric therapy for pneumonia
    74. HIV and tuberculosis: Management issues
    75. Emerging Respiratory infections
    76. Avian flu
    77. What is TB control? Describe briefly its epidemiological indices
    78. XDR TB
    79. Antibacterial rotation and VAP


    1. Screening of lung cancer
    2. Management of stage III lung cancer
    3. Diagnostic approach to a 45-yr-old male with solitary pulmonary nodule
    4. Serum/tumor markers in lung cancer
    5. Free radical damage of DNA and cancer
    6. Radioisotopes in lung cancer
    7. Trends in chemotherapy in lung cancer
    8. Adjuvant treatment in lung cancer
    9. Non-metastatic complications in lung cancer
    10. Role of bronchoscopy in SPN
    11. Non-metastatic neuromuscular syndromes in lung cancer
    12. Tumor-suppressor genes
    13. Classification and staging oh Hodgkin’s disease
    14. Staging, management of lung cancer
    15. Choriocarcinoma
    16. Ectopic hormone production
    17. Etiology of lung cancer
    18. What is quality of life, Scales used to measure QOL in cancer.
    19. Chemotherapy for NSCLC
    20. Staging of Non Small Cell Lung Cancer


    1. Pre operative pulmonary complications
    2. Post operative pulmonary complications
    3. Complications of lung resection
    4. Pulmonary complications of abdominal surgery
    5. Lung resection candidates/indications
    6. LVRS
    7. Post operative and long-term management in transplant recipients
    8. Surgical management of bronchiectasis
    9. Surgery in MDR TB
    10. (Single) Lung transplantation
    11. Heller’s operation
    12. Preop eval for lung resection surgery
    13. Surgery in TB
    14. Thoracoplasty


    1. Optimum, Intrinsic PEEP
    2. Severity scoring systems in ICU – rationale for use
    3. Severe sepsis
    4. Decision to forego life-sustaining treatment in ICU
    5. Sepsis syndrome
    6. Evaluation of hypoxia
    7. Management of myasthenic crisis
    8. Metabolic causes of respiratory muscle weakness
    9. Weaning from ventilation, indicators and strategies for successful weaning
    10. Cardiac output in ICU
    11. Mechanism of invasive ventilation
    12. Mechanism of non-invasive ventilation
    13. Complications of mechanical ventilation and prevention
    14. Hypoventilation syndromes
    15. Different parameters in mechanical ventilation
    16. Management of hemodynamic instability
    17. CVP monitoring
    18. Transfusion associated lung injury
    19. Oxygen toxicity
    20. Oxygen concentrators
    21. Oxygen therapy – modes, equipment
    22. Risk factors for ARDS
    23. DIC
    24. Management of cobra bite
    25. Management of GBS
    26. Modes of artificial ventilation
    27. Complications, hemodynamics, pathogenesis of septic shock
    28. BiPAP
    29. CO poisoning
    30. End-of-life issues
    31. Respiratory stimulants
    32. LTOT
    33. OP poisoning
    34. MODS
    35. Infectious control measures in the ICU
    36. Management of sepsis with multiple organ dysfunction
    37. NIV-indications and contraindications in acute repiratory failure
    38. Low tidal volume ventilation in ARDS
    39. Palliative care in terminally ill patients with respiratory diseases
    40. Non-cardiogenic pulmonary edema


    1. Drug-induced lung diseases
    2. Effect of cardiovascular drugs on lungs
    3. Radiation pneumonitis


    1. Syndrome Z
    2. Effect of sleep on breathing
    3. Sleep-disordered breathing
    4. Sleep apnea syndrome
    5. Consequences and management of OSA
    6. Polysomnography


    1. Bioterrorism
    2. Indoor/Outdoor Air pollution
    3. Risk from passive smoking
    4. Classify,enumerate environmental pollutants & diseases caused by them
    5. CFCs
    6. Byssinosis
    7. Air travel
    8. Classification of occupational lung diseases
    9. Impact of population growth in smoking related lung diseases
    10. Future perspective in pneumoconiosis
    11. Occupational asthma
    12. Asbestos related lung diseases
    13. Pulmonary adaptation and clinical disorders caused at high altitude
    14. Pulmonary barotraumas in sea divers
    15. Carcinogens in tobacco smoke
    16. Caplan’s syndrome
    17. Inhaling environmental tobacco smoke
    18. Complicated pneumoconiosis
    19. HAPE
    20. Non malignant resp disorders in agriculture industry
    21. Complications of silicosis
    22. Bagassosis
    23. Sick Building syndrome
    24. Decompression Sickness
    25. Environmental Tobacco smoke (ETS)
    26. Global warming


    1. Classification and diagnosis of IIPs
    2. Hypersensitivity pneumonitis-pathogenesis,
    3. Farmers’ lung
    4. Lung function abnormalities in ILD, Functional derangements in IPF
    5. Churg-Strauss syndrome
    6. Sarcoidosis in India
    7. Assessment of activity of alveolitis in ILD
    8. Chronic eosinophilic pneumonia
    9. BOOP
    10. Lymphangioleiomyomatosis
    11. Value of HRCT in ILD
    12. Eosinophilic syndromes
    13. Recent advances in management of IPF
    14. Amyloidosis of lower respiratory tract
    15. Pathologic changes in ILD
    16. Histiocytosis X
    17. Lung in systemic sclerosis
    18. Bronchiolitis obliterans
    19. Sjogren’s syndrome
    20. Recent advances in mgt of sarcoidosis
    21. Diagnostic approach to ILD


    1. Differences between transudative and exudative effusions
    2. Pleural calcification
    3. Bronchopleural fistula - management
    4. Pleurodesis
    5. Pleuropulmonary endometriosis
    6. Meig’s syndrome
    7. Hydrothorax
    8. Parapneumonic effusion/Synpneumonic effusion
    9. Pneumothorax
    10. Management of malignant pleural effusion


    1. Pulmonary disability assessment
    2. Biologicals in resp diseases

    1. It is indeed gratifying to see that the single-handed effort I put in over some three months, some three years ago in compiling the DNB Q-Bank has helped PG students down the line!! Congratulations! Please keep the tradition alive!

    2. Hi Rajalakshmi

      Long Time No see ;-) WELCOME Back !

      Yes! Your efforts are bearing fruit now !!!
      Thanks a lot for all your help when you were our PG here.Appreciate much !

      Good Luck !

  7. Fantastic Work ! Supraja ! keep it UP...

  8. this is really a tough job , i need not to say - well done.
    kindly post new and current topics which are the potential questions.
    if i can of any help , kindly let me know.


Kindly wait moderation.