Foul smelling sputum suggests anaerobic bacterial infection.
It occurs in Bronchiectasis,lung abscess and empyema.
In Bronchiectasis a change of sputum taste may indicate infective exacerbation.
REF- Macleod's , page no- 141,13th edition
Blog for Respiratory-Medicine-Post-Graduates of Apollo Hospitals,Chennai,India - Diplomate National Board(DNB), started in the Year 2009 October ,by PGs & the Academic Co-Ordinator of Department - Dr.R.P.Ilangho - for enabling these Young PGs to INTER_CONNECT ideally for becoming better Pulmonologists.The word~ REMAP09 ~ was coined thus:RE= RE spiratory M=M edicine A=Apollo P= P ostGraduate 09= 2009 - thus meaning "Respiratory Medicine Apollo PostGraduate 2009 batch"
FUN is the most Sacred Word in all the religious texts put together - in Life !
Foul smelling sputum suggests anaerobic bacterial infection.
It occurs in Bronchiectasis,lung abscess and empyema.
In Bronchiectasis a change of sputum taste may indicate infective exacerbation.
REF- Macleod's , page no- 141,13th edition
CLASS 1 No limitation of physical activity, Ordinary physical activity does not cause undue fatigue, palpitations or breathing difficulty
CLASS 2 Slight limitation of physical activity. Comfortable at rest but Ordinary physical activity cause undue fatigue, palpitations or breathing difficulty
CLASS 3 Marked limitation of physical activity. Less than ordinary activities cause fatigue, palpitations and breathing difficulty
CLASS 4 Unable to carry out any physical activity without discomfort. Symptoms are present even at rest.
Sustained/Continuous fever:Persistent rise in temperature with minimal(<1C)diurnal Pneumonia, meningitis,UTI,brucella
Intermittent fever: Exaggeration of normal circadian rhythm.If the variation between high and low is extremely large it is called seated infection,abscesses,malignancy,kala-azar,drug fever.
Remittent fever: Temperature spikes fall daily with diurnal variation of >2 degree celsius,but doesn't touches,infective endocarditis,
Relapsing fever:Febrile episodes seperated by intervals of normal temperature .eg-malaria,borrelia,lymphoma.
If it occurs daily,it is called quotidian fever.cause- plasmodium falciparum.
Double quotidian fever when there are 2 spikes of fever everyday,once in morning and once in evening.causes-miliary tuberculosis
If it occurs every 48 hrs- tertian fever.causes-plasmodium falciparum,ovale and vivax.
If it occurs every 72 hrs- quartan fever.cause-plasmodium malariae.
Inverse fever -Temperature rises in the early hours of morning rather than evening.some cases of military tuberculosis
REFERENCE -HUTCHISON'S 24th edition,Page no-144.
Causes of PND:
Left ventricular failure
Mitral stenosis
Causes of Orthopnea:
Pulmonary edema
Sleep apnea
Pleural effusion
Abnormal permanent dilatation of air spaces distal to terminal bronchioles accompanied by destruction of alveolar walls and without obvious fibrosis.
In acute or chronic renal failure, periorbital edema occurs ,when Na intake exceeds kidneys’ ability to excrete Na secondary to marked reductions in glomerular filtration.Sodium retention causes periorbital edema.
Referrence- Harrison 20th edition
Chronic Bronchitis is defined as cough and sputum for atleast 3 consecutive months in each of 2 consecutive years.
Emphysema is abnormal permanent enlargement of the air spaces distal to the terminal bronchioles accompanied by destruction of their walls.
Refference -Robbin's pathology.
Bronchial hyperreactivity is absent in Eosinophilic bronchitis and is present in asthma
Reference: Murray and Nadel’s textbook of respiratory medicine, 7th edition